Wednesday 2 March 2016

Video Metadata - Samsung NX1 Hints and Tips

Good day,

One would presume that you all know what EXIF data is (but for those who don't); when you import digital photos you have taken into your computer for editing you may notice a window showing information like the shutter speed used, the aperture, exposure compensation, white balance and the like.

As you can imagine, this information can be extremely useful. Not only for seeing what settings you actually used but also for seeing what worked and what didn't, also for being able to sort images by ISO or shutter speed, if you need to for some reason.

In digital cameras, EXIF has been around since about 1998. You can get something similar for audio files which lets you view the copyright information, recording artist, producer, year of release and so on. As you can imagine this 'added information' extension is also available for video files.

I mention this because some have questioned the absence of said EXIF info in the video files captured by the Samsung NX1. Whacking it into Premiere, Vegas and others will yield none of that tasty data. Now, that isn't because the NX1 doesn't capture it, it's because the data is captured in a non-standard way. Why am I not surprised that Samsung implemented it this way...

Anyway the important thing is you can still get at it. How? Watch my latest 60 second video on the 'Samsung NX1 Hints and Tips' series below to find out! You would be surprised how challenging it is to fit this kind of thing into sixty seconds. Challenging, but fun, and informative.

Remember to like the video if useful and to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more info!

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